International Encounters On Matters Of Sound II

private, Capalbio (Rome)

20-25 June 2015

For the 2015 edition of TQS, five musicians, one singer and a dance company are invited to work around the theme of time/space perception, with a focus on the real vs. virtual experience of sound and image. In keeping with the theme proposed, artists from abroad are invited to participate via distance/interactive video presence.

How much does our perception of sound change if we are listening to some performances through a media device rather than absorbing it live?

During a performance, what is it that we transmit one to another, besides the sonic and visual information? How does the vision of the interpreter’s body influence the perception of music and its communication between the musicians? What is the difference for an auditory performance between real-time performance and a broadcasted one?


  • Sandro Mussida cello
  • Rebecca Salvadori video
  • Olivia Salvadori voice
  • Jan Hendrickse flutes, feedbacks
  • Kid Millions drums
  • Alessandra Novaga electric guitars
  • Brittany Bailey dancer
  • Yann Binet visual design
  • Courtney Lopes dancer
  • Tribe Of Colin electronics & beats
  • Mirco Mencacci field recording


host and main funder

Roberto Lombardi

with the support of the town of Capalbio

production team

Marco Gorini, event audio recording

Andrea Bressan, sound engineer & FOH

Johannes Schlosser, audio backline

Samuele De Giuseppe, audio backline & IT technician edition

Matteo De Vittor, video & lights backline

Felix Schliminsky, cinematographer

Hanna Bächer, questions & answers

Enrico Rossi, website & social media

Romina Perugini, accommodation & catering

Carlo Mameli, live webcasting

Chiara Orlandini, logistic NY

William Murray, cinematographer NY

Garrett Linn, live webcasting NY

Allegra Calbi, logistic

Arianna Fittipaldi, press

event communication partner

Inverted Audio

tech partner

CPM Music Institute